● Introduction
Our project was to create a virtual time capsule for 2010 using a web 2.0 device. We chose to use a website called Piczo, where people are able to go on the website and view all the work we have done and leave their comments. We made the site fun and interesting for people to look at.
● What I worked on The area I worked on for the time capsule was the sports page. In the sports page you can get to all the different sport leagues. The pages that were attached to the sports page were, Olympics, NBA, NHL, CFL, NFL, MLB, GOLF.
● Successes
Successes that I had were being able to use a web 2.0 device that I was familiar with. I also learned about new html codes to make our site look better and different. I really enjoyed the doing the time capsule online because all the information was there, we didn't have to waste a lot of paper, and we could pick and choose what information we wanted to use. Another success was that we have people in our group that all enjoy different things so our website was not based just on one persons opinion.
● Problems
Some problems we encountered while making the time capsule, were that the they website would be down for a little bit, or certain html codes wouldn't work. Another problem we had we teamwork. Some of us liked things better than others, or we did not like what other people were doing, we didn't agree on a "theme". We also had a problem with communicating at points but only with a certain person, we would tell them to do something on the Facebook site and they would just sit there not doing what we asked.
● Advantages
Some advantages of completing this project as a team were that the work was slipt up, and everyone had an equal part. Also we did not get to pick our own teams so it gave us a chance to get to know everyone in our team and find out how we work together and who is good at what. By working as a team we were able to get opinions from all types of people.
● Electronic Tools
The electronic tool used by our team to communicate was Facebook. We started a group called "GDCI Virtual Time Capsule 2010" and posted what each person should be working on if they weren't already doing something relating to the project, what pictures we were using and than everyone posted what information they wanted to be put on the official website. For the official website we used Piczo. Piczo is an online web 2.0 device were you can post information, and have different pages. Piczo allows anyone to comment on the site where provided.
● Management Process
In order for our team to finish the project we had a team leader (Lex Mero). She created a chart on PB works saying what every person should be doing each day, and than at the end of that day said what every person did each day. She would post what each person needed to be doing into the Facebook group, so they would know. She assigned certain tasks to each person and certain roles to certain people. It was very successful.
● Strategies
Certain strategies can be used to enhance a team's productivity. In our team, we would share our ideas and opinions on the Facebook group. When someone had completed their topic(s) and another person needed some help on their topic they could assist them. We did not have very many problems until we reached the end of the project. To fix the conflict of let's say, someone not doing what they are supposed to, we would ask them why they are doing and does it have anything to do with the project. If they didn't answer or they said "No, it is just for fun." We would ask them if they could possibly help out a fellow team member. This increased our team's productivity.
● Effective
Our group was effective for the most part. We got the work done, and we found the correct and appropriate information for each page. Although at times we were ineffective, due to disagreements which would than cause us to loose time working. Also people spent to much time Facebook chatting/"creeping" or looking at things they were not supposed to. We managed to stay together and get the project done, if we failed to do this, there would be time wasted on what did get completed and there would be no time capsule for people of the future to view!
● Overall Conclusions
In the end, doing this project was fun. I think it was an overall good experience. This type of project should continue to be done, and in a few years be re-done to see what will be in. This project did cause some stress, but so does every project.
● Advertisement
A way for the future GDCI students to view our time capsule, is by using this advertisement. It can be used for posters to be placed around the school, this advertisement could also be used as an internet advertisement.